• Nominated Supervisor: Melissa Whitlow
  • Educational Leader: Melissa Whitlow


National Quality Standard (NQS) Rating:

QA1: Educational program and practice – Exceeding NQS
QA2: Children’s health and safety – Meeting NQS
QA3: Physical environment – Meeting NQS
QA4: Staffing arrangements – Exceeding NQS
QA5: Relationships with children – Exceeding NQS
QA6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities – Exceeding NQS
QA7: Leadership and service management – Exceeding NQS
Overall rating: Exceeding NQS

Session Times

2024 Session Times

Mixed aged groups 3 & 4 year old - 15 hours per week

Group A

Monday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

Wednesday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

Thursday: 8.30am – 1.30pm


Monday 8.30am – 1.30pm

Tuesday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

Thursday: 8.30am – 1.30pm


Monday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

Tuesday : 8.30am – 1.30pm

Wednesday: 8.30am – 1.30pm


Tuesday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

Wednesday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

Thursday: 8.30am – 1.30pm

Term Fees

2024 Term Fees

3 and 4 year old kindergarten is fully funded in 2024. There are no out of pocket costs to parents.


Centre Philosophy

The aim of Aycliffe Drive Kindergarten is to provide a high quality innovative educational program for all children in a nurturing, trusting and stimulating environment with a focus on celebrating our families diverse cultural backgrounds and encouraging children’s individualism and creativity.

We achieve this by:

  • Providing a warm, caring and welcoming environment where children feel safe, worthwhile and important.
  • Valuing each child’s individualism through intentional teaching, following their interests, listening to their suggestions and ideas to develop appropriate open-ended and natural play experiences, fostering their creativity and encouraging their efforts.
  • Providing the opportunity for learning through child initiated play which is facilitated by extended periods of non-interrupted play and indoor and outdoor play experiences.
  • Treating all children and families with respect to their cultural background, communicating honestly with parents regarding their child’s developmental progress and maintaining confidentiality.
  • Including all children with appropriate support for children with special or additional needs.
  • Focusing on positive reinforcement of appropriate behaviours.
  • Valuing the contribution of children, parents, committee members and staff in developing the program.
  • Using natural and recycled products where possible rather than commercially produced products.
  • Valuing our natural environment and being an environmentally friendly and sustainable kindergarten.
  • Within our program, we have incorporated the National Early Years Learning and Development Framework and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework.


3YO & 4YO Registration

To be eligible for 3-year-old kindergarten a child must turn three years of age on or before the 30th of April in the year of attendance.

To be eligible for 4-year-old kindergarten a child must turn four years of age on or before the 30th of April in the year of attendance.

To register your child in 3 year old or 4 year old kindergarten, please contact Brimbank City Council below: