• Nominated Supervisor: Jonelle Papley
  • Educational Leader: Jonelle Papley


ACECQA National Quality Standard (NQS) Rating:

QA1: Educational program and practice – Exceeding NQS
QA2: Children’s health and safety – Exceeding NQS
QA3: Physical environment – Exceeding NQS
QA4: Staffing arrangements – Exceeding NQS
QA5: Relationships with children – Exceeding NQS
QA6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities – Exceeding NQS
QA7: Leadership and service management – Exceeding NQS
Overall rating: Exceeding NQS

Session Times

2025 Session Times

3 and 4 year old kindergarten (mixed) – 15 hours per week


Wednesday: 12:45pm – 4:45pm

Thursday: 8:15am – 1:45pm

Friday: 8:15am – 1:45pm


Monday: 8:15am – 1:45pm

Tuesday: 8:15am – 1:45pm

Wednesday: 8:15am – 12:15pm

Term Fees

2025 Term Fees

3 and 4 year old kindergarten is fully funded in 2025. There are no out of pocket costs to parents.


Centre Philosophy

We believe in the importance of …

A welcoming environment where all families feel safe, supported and valued for their contribution, as their children experience the joy of learning.

Children as researchers in their own learning, engaging with our educationally rich environments to enhance development in the five key developmental areas of cognitive, social/emotional, gross motor, fine motor and language development.

Children actively engaging in a stimulating program that promotes interactions, fosters high level thinking skills, encourages children to be creative and use flexible modes of thinking to explore, play, experiment, hypothesise, manipulate, develop and scaffold their understandings of the world around them.

Flexible programming to develop positive mindsets such as independence, persistence, resilience, initiative and agency within Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development.

Partnership with family, culture, local community and Indigenous culture to enhance children’s identity and build strong learning relationships.

The value of diversity as it contributes to the richness of our society, enriching wellbeing, developing positive social and emotional skills of tolerance, patience, empathy, confidence, kindness and care for others.

Commitment to promoting respect for the environment, developing sustainable practices, ethical thinking and the development of global awareness.

A cooperative team utilising open communication, to explore children’s understandings, skills, interests and strengths, to build a program embedded within the five developmental domains of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework; to develop a strong sense of identity, be connected with and contribute to their world, have a strong sense of wellbeing, be confident and involved learners and be effective communicators.

Professional responsibility to continuously engage in active learning of current theories and practices, including utilising critical reflection, a cycle of review to inform teaching practices, improve children’s experiences and learning, including the voice of educators, children and families as our learning community.


3YO & 4YO Registration

To be eligible for 3-year-old kindergarten a child must turn three years of age on or before the 30th of April in the year of attendance.

To be eligible for 4-year-old kindergarten a child must turn four years of age on or before the 30th of April in the year of attendance.

To register your child in 3 year old or 4 year old kindergarten, please contact Brimbank City Council below: