• Nominated Supervisor: Michelle Forbes
  • Educational Leader: Michelle Forbes


ACECQA National Quality Standard (NQS) Rating:

QA1: Educational program and practice – Exceeding NQS
QA2: Children’s health and safety – Exceeding NQS
QA3: Physical environment – Exceeding NQS
QA4: Staffing arrangements – Exceeding NQS
QA5: Relationships with children – Exceeding NQS
QA6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities – Exceeding NQS
QA7: Leadership and service management – Exceeding NQS
Overall rating: Exceeding NQS

Session Times

2025 Session Times

3 and 4 year old (mixed)- 15 hours per week


Monday: 8:15am – 1:15pm

Tuesday: 8:15am – 1:15m

Thursday: 8:15am – 1:15pm


Wednesday: 8:45am – 4:15pm

Friday: 8:45am – 4:15pm

Term Fees

2025 Term Fees

3 and 4 year old kindergarten is fully funded in 2025. There are no out of pocket costs to parents.


Centre Philosophy

Fairbairn Road Kindergarten is committed to providing a warm, caring and positive environment for everyone involved with our kindergarten.

We aim to provide an environment that encourages the child to engage in exploration, questioning, discovery, creativity and problem solving in a co-operative and collaborative manner. We work towards providing a learning environment that is secure and stable, yet flexible enough to ensure that each child is able to build on the strengths, interests and abilities that will enable them to achieve their full potential.

Our program provides children the opportunity to investigate and explore the natural environment, learn about sustainable practices and looking after the environment.

We acknowledge that the health and well being of each child is important and the Child Safe Standards guide our practices. We strive to foster self-worth in each child and for them to become a positive, effective member of the kindergarten and wider community. We promote the cultural safety of Aboriginal children as well as the cultural safety of children from other cultural, linguistically diverse backgrounds and children with additional needs.

We work at building strong children by supporting their emotional and social development. We put strategies in place to teach children how to become resilient, to deal with stress and communicate their feelings. We implement yoga and mindfulness in our program to equip children with the right tools to relax and be calm.


3YO & 4YO Registration

To be eligible for 3-year-old kindergarten a child must turn three years of age on or before the 30th of April in the year of attendance.

To be eligible for 4-year-old kindergarten a child must turn four years of age on or before the 30th of April in the year of attendance.

To register your child in 3 year old or 4 year old kindergarten, please contact Brimbank City Council below: