• Nominated Supervisor: Zoe Miller
  • Educational Leader: Zoe Miller


ACECQA National Quality Standard (NQS) Rating:

QA1: Educational program and practice – Meeting NQS
QA2: Children’s health and safety – Exceeding NQS
QA3: Physical environment – Meeting NQS
QA4: Staffing arrangements – Meeting NQS
QA5: Relationships with children – Meeting NQS
QA6: Collaborative partnerships with families and communities – Meeting NQS
QA7: Leadership and service management – Meeting NQS
Overall rating: Meeting NQS

Session Times

2025 Session Times

3 & 4 year old (mixed) - 15 hours per week


Monday: 8:45am – 4:15pm

Wednesday: 8:45am – 4:15pm


Tuesday: 8:45am – 4:15pm

Thursday: 8:45am - 4:15pm

Term Fees

2025 Term Fees

3 and 4 year old kindergarten is fully funded in 2025. There are no out of pocket costs to parents.


Our kindergarten philosophy is centred around creating a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment for children to learn and grow. We believe in embedding Aboriginal perspectives into our program and acknowledging the Wurundjeri People as the First People of the land on which we play and learn.

Our program is play-based and guided by the National Quality Standards (NQS) and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). We value children's voices and interests, catering to their needs and abilities, and aiming for their success in all they become involved in.

Our environment is inviting, and evolving. We provide materials and equipment that inspire curiosity, exploration, and independence. We create a homely feel that is comfortable for children, while also valuing nature and sustainability. Inclusion is a priority, and we welcome children of all backgrounds, cultures, and abilities. We ensure diversity is represented in our experiences and play spaces.

Child safety is paramount to us. We prioritise keeping our knowledge up to date and adhering to Child Safe Standards. We prioritise the well-being of our children and believe that safety is essential for learning to take place.

We respect and support families, acknowledging that they are a child's first teacher. We communicate regularly and invite families to share their backgrounds, languages, and stories. We work in partnership with families to support children’s participation and success within our programs.

As educators, we work as a team, respecting each other as we continuously enhance our thinking and pedagogical practices, guided by theorists, frameworks and our knowledge of the children and families within our community.

Our goal is for children to feel safe, supported, and happy. We want them to feel heard, seen, and comfortable exploring their surroundings and developing relationships with their peers. We celebrate childhood and value play as the primary way children learn at this age. We strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children at kindergarten and to support their successful transition to school.


3YO & 4YO Registration

To be eligible for 3-year-old kindergarten a child must turn three years of age on or before the 30th of April in the year of attendance.

To be eligible for 4-year-old kindergarten a child must turn four years of age on or before the 30th of April in the year of attendance.

To register your child in 3 year old or 4 year old kindergarten, please contact Brimbank City Council below: